
We are prepared to guide you from the beginning of your journey to successful integration of this approach into your practice. We offer staff training, mentorship and coaching in the delivery of workshops and network meetings, facilitate workshops for and alongside you, and provide consultation for organizational implementation.

Staff Training

We will train staff in the HEERO™ process. Staff Peer Navigators are involved in all aspects of the training. We first engage learners in the “Why” to develop a foundation for the training and the approach. Then we move into the “How”. During training we will guide you through a HEERO™ workshop and network meeting as a form of experiential learning. Learners can immerse themselves in the experience of a participant, while deconstructing both the purpose and implementation of each step. We will explore how each concept is connected to the core theme of building a network. 

As part of this training, it is encouraged that you invite cross-sector community partners. This supports the community’s understanding of why you are doing this work, the process, and their potential role so that you can work in partnership.  

Organizational Implementation

We will strategize with your organization on how to implement this practice approach, address potential barriers, and navigate change management experiences. We will highlight 3 key stages of implementation:

1) Engagement

2) HEERO™ Workshops as the catalyst to the process

3) Post Workshop, Ongoing Network Meetings, and Peer Support Meetings


Our team, including staff peer navigators, will work alongside you in facilitating a Youth or Adult HEERO™ workshop. Our mentorship will foster skill development and help guide your team to apply the tools learned. We will further support you in facilitating the network meeting process, both convening and activating the network.

HEERO™ staff are also available for public speaking engagements to share our work and inspire others.

Peer Navigators Lead the Way

Peer Navigators play a key role in engaging and connecting with participants. Through their lived experiences, they demonstrate a certain credibility and relatability unmatched by professional staff. They offer a level of acceptance and understanding that is just not available to someone who has not lived it.

“Everybody has a home team: It’s the people you call when you get a flat tire or when something terrible happens. It’s the people who, near or far, know everything that’s wrong with you and love you anyways. These are the ones who tell you their secrets, who get themselves a glass of water without asking when they’re at your house. These are the people who cry when you cry. These are your people, your middle-of-the-night, no-matter-what people.

Shauna Niequist